The escape key is used to cancel actions in progress before they finish. It is also used to close certain dialog boxes.

Function keys
The function keys are numbered F1, F2 F3…F12. These are programmable keys. That is, programs can assign actions to these keys. So the same key might produce different results in different programs.
Some of the function keys are becoming more standardized as to what they do. For example, F1 is most often used to access the Help file for a program.

The home key is a navigation key for the cursor. It will move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

The insert key is a toggle key. That is, repeatedly pressing it will alternate between two effects:
1.      Typing overtypes characters already there
2.      Typing inserts characters in between the characters that are already there.
Some programs have an indicator on screen to show you which effect is current. But not all are as friendly.

Numeric keypad
When the num lock key is on, these keys are used to enter numbers as with an adding machine.
When the Num lock key is off, the keys act as navigation keys using the alternate markings on each key.

When Num lock is on, the minus key performs subtraction on the numbers entered.
When Num lock is off, the minus key will type a hyphen like this.

Number/ symbol keys
On this row of keys you will see two characters, one at the top of the key and one at the bottom. The upper character is a symbol and is accessed by holding the shift key down while pressing the key.

Num lock
When num lock is on, the Numeric keypad responds with numbers, as an adding machine.
When num lock is off, the Numeric keypad responds as navigation keys using the alternate marking on the keys.

Page Down
The page down key is a navigation key which will drop the displayed area down the page one screens
Worth. It does not necessarily move a whole literal page at a time. That would depend on the height of a page.

Page up
The page UP key is navigation key which will move the cursor up he displayed area one screen’s worth.
It does not usually move a literal page at a time. That would depend on the height of a page.

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